Don’t Neglect Your Spiritual Needs

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

If you don’t see yourself as a spiritual or religious person, you might wonder why there is a place for Spiritual needs on the My Inspired Year Planner.

If this is you, hear me out, and be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to nurture your spiritual side.

I believe we are all spiritual beings, in addition to being flesh and blood. And I mean here something that goes beyond the mental or the emotional, although for our purposes it does include them.

Granted, some people are more spiritually sensitive than others, but we all have that certain hunger for beauty, for righteousness, for justice, for more in life, that can be characterized as inherently spiritual.

How you feed this and care for it is up to you.

Christianity makes sense to me. The message of Jesus resonates with me. So prayer, thanksgiving, Bible reading, quiet time, worship, fellowship with others, and service are all part of my plan for good spiritual health.

Maybe you just can’t see that as working for you. But I encourage you to make time in your life for spiritual things. For meditation. For mindfulness. For nature. For stillness.

But also for fellowship. For friendship. For loyalty. For service to others.

I welcome your comments below.

Read the next article: Physical – How am I taking care of my body?

Read the previous article: Spiritual – Am I living a balanced life?

Read the first article in the series: Internal – Doing the Mental Work in Order to Succeed

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