Intellectual – Read any good books lately?

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts; therefore guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.
– Marcus Aurelius

Can you remember the last book you read? If not, maybe this is an area you want to work on. Do you love reading but can’t remember who wrote that great thriller you read last month? Track it here, so you can look back and find out. You might like another book by the same author.

I made sure to include Intellectual growth here, not just because I’m a teacher, but because this is another area that can fall by the wayside for many of us. It’s so much easier just to watch television.

But good books engage your mind in a quite different and more beneficial manner.

Learning through video counts. Puzzles and brain games are awesome, too.

Do something good for your mind every week.

If you are working through a course, reading a book, or watching videos on a certain subject, you can record them in your planner. That way, at the end of the year, you can see all that you have read and all that you have learned, and note your progress.

Read the next article in this series: Recreational – Are we having fun yet?

Read the previous article: Physical – How am I taking care of my body?

Read the first article in this series: Internal – Doing the Mental Work in Order to Succeed

One thought on “Intellectual – Read any good books lately?

  1. Pingback: Physical – How am I taking care of my body? | My Inspired Year

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